The best Time to Get Pregnant

Women of all ages have difficulty getting pregnant. Do you even wonder what is the best age to get pregnant? It is quite obvious, there is no such age. It depends on each individual woman. Pregnancy is a choice, a gift and a miracle that goes way beyond age, time and space. May be what I am trying to say is that, getting pregnant is almost like a mystic experience a spiritual encounter where the soul of the mother and that of the child meet in time and space in a universe where time and space are relative. Only on earth they mean something. And what to they mean, really? They mean that from a medical perspective there is a series of complications associated with advanced maternal age like gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, low birth age, etc. For the baby there is and increased risk of developing genetic or chromosomal disorder, complication during birth, etc. Fine, there are some medical risks. Can this risks be minimized? I say Yes! Here you can learn more about what you can do for advanced maternal age.

Once a bay is born, time stops for that little moment, eternal time meets human time and all unfolds in its own unique way. It is natural, it is life. Have you ever asked yourself: what are the benefits of being born from a parent that is more mature, has a stable career, a nice home and more life experience? I think kids born from parents in their thirties and forties are actually lucky because they have so much more guidance and maturity, they can learn faster, feel more secure and develop a higher self esteem at a very early age.

So, advanced maternal age is just another medical term that in the long scheme of life probably means very little.

All the best to all those women that desire a child at any age, but especially if they are in the advanced maternal age category.

Life is what we make of it!

September 11, 2009 at 11:27 pm 1 comment

Fear of Flying with Homeopathy

If you are planning a trip and you have to fly, there is so much you can do with homeopathic medicine to help you and your family have a lovely time.

Jet Lag
Cocculus: take this remedy three days before departure and three days after arriving at your destination to help you adjust with the time zone. This remedy can help you if you missed a good night sleep as a result of the time change and traveling.

Arnica:this remedy helps for sleeplessness and restlessness when over-tired.

Fear and Anxiety
Aconite: this remedy is great for sudden panic attacks that accompany fear of flying especially for fear dying.

Gelsemium: this remedy helps for anticipation of a flight.

Argentum nitricum:this remedy helps those who a full of anticipation and apprehension before the flight. It also helps those who suffer from claustrophobia during the flight. If you have fear of hights, this remedy can also help you cope with the feeling of been up in the air.

Arsenicum:This remedy is for those who have a great sense f anxiety and fear of dying when the plane crashes. They cannot sleep the night before their trip and worry about the outcome.

Calcarea carbonica:this remedy can help those who worry about their security and their family security during the flight. They feel responsible and feel overwhelmed by the task of going on vacation. They usually like to stay at home and when they have to travel it is a big deal for them.

Rescue remedy:this Bach Flower Remedy combination can be taken often while on air to calm down those who feel uneasy during the flight.

May 11, 2009 at 4:23 pm Leave a comment

Homeopathic Medicine for Infertility

Homeopathy has a lot to offer to women who are looking for an alternative way to treat infertility. There are many homeopathic remedies that can help. In homeopathy, remedy selection is based on the woman’s unique symptoms and temperament. Characteristics like her reaction to temperature and weather changes are kept in great consideration, especially if rare strange and peculiar. Also, each woman comes not only with a set of physical problems, but also with mental and emotional ups and downs that need to be addressed at the same time. The job of the homeopathic practitioner is to determine what homeopathic medicine best suits the entire picture at the mental, emotional, and physical level.
The most commonly prescribed constitutional remedies for infertility are:
Calcarea carbonica
Nat mur


April 16, 2009 at 12:05 pm Leave a comment

Low Iron? Take Tissue Salt!

If you suffer from low iron like many women these days, you can take a good iron supplement that is in liquid form and easily to absorb. My favorite one is called “Spatone,” but “Floravit” or Floravix, are also good ones. If you are searching for a good iron supplement make sure it comes from natural ingredients containing vitamin b12, VitC. Also, do not take your calcium with iron because calcium inhibits iron absorption.

The truth is, even if you diligently take your iron supplement your body may not be capable of absorbing the iron you are taking!

What to do?
Take Ferrum phos 6X in Tissue Salt preparation. This homeopathically prepared biochemic salt is taken in tables form that melt underneath your tongue in seconds. Tissue salts also called cell salts have the ability to deliver micro amounts on nutritive cellular salt directly to the cells through the bloodstream bypassing the digestive system, thus becoming readily bio available even to those who have an inability to assimilate iron. This tissue salt is known as the oxygen carrier, gives strength and toughness to arteries, blood vessels and skin. It soothes pain due to congestion and inflammatory. It helps absorb iron in anemic cases as a result of heavy menses and it is a remedy for first stage inflammation with redness, swelling and fever.

Another important tissue salt for anemia is Calc Phos 6X, which provides formation of new blood-corpuscles.

April 2, 2009 at 6:46 pm Leave a comment

Allowing your Body to Heal

Homeopathic medicine works wonders for women, but many times the stress in their life can prevent the body’s natural healing ability. Stress can affect your endocrine system, your emotional well being, and many physiological functions related to your metabolism and nervous system. Stress can create a sense of constant fear, uneasiness and frustration that when present for prolonged periods of time can silently damage to your organism. Homeopathic medicine can help address prolonged stress cases but you need to decide to take care of yourself first.

Today, I have a simple message: “Take care of yourself!”
It sound simple, but I know it is the most difficult thing to do if you have very little time and if, like me, you are used to take care of everyone else but yourself.

Well, to today we can make a change and do something nice for yourself. Simply put, find a way to relax and give your body time to unwind, release stress and most of all heal itself.

Watch this video, it may give you some suggestions…

Find a Way to Relax Today!

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April 1, 2009 at 4:47 pm Leave a comment

Relax, Relax, Relax

Spring is finally here and it is time to take care of yourself!

Relaxing is the best way to give your body a break and to allow healing to happen at physical but also emotional level. When you are happy and relaxed, you can face and achieve anything!

April 1, 2009 at 4:43 pm Leave a comment

Facial Signs of Silica Deficiency

Have you ever asked yourself why some people develop wrinkles while others seem to have only a few and look a lot younger than their age?

The reason could be hidden in their Silica intake and their body’s ability to absorb this wonderful mineral!

According to David Card, author of the book “Facial diagnosis of cell salt deficiencies,” wrinkles on someone’ s face are a sign of Silica deficiency. This mineral salt plays a very important role in the development of the connective tissue that lies beneath the skin called the dermis.

A silica deficiency is most commonly seen as:

1. Wrinkles in front of and parallel to the ears.

2. Wrinkles around the eyes, called laugh lines and crow’s feet.

3. Sunken eyes in the orbit cavity giving the look of droopy eyelids.

4. Weak nails.

5. Spitting hair ends.

6. Facial acne.

The good news is that in younger people this deficiency can be reversed by supplementing with Silica 6X in cell salt preparation within a few months. The results also will depend on other nutrients intake and the ability of the body to absorb them. Drinking lots of water and have plenty of anti-oxidants (like zinc, vitamin E, C and A) is a also a wonderful way to address premature age of the skin.

March 31, 2009 at 11:02 am 1 comment

What Can Homeopathy Do For Women?

Homeopathic medicine is based on the principal that each individual is unique with a set of physical characteristic symptoms as well as a set of mental and emotional circumstances that can affect how we feel about our self, how we react to situations around us and how we perceive our life and our world.

A homeopathic practitioner will see you as a whole, a complex human being with unique needs, like dislikes and not merely just a composition of body parts.

The aim of homeopathic therapy is to treat all the most important and peculiar symptoms at once by administering the most suitable homeopathic remedy which will elicit a healing response not only at the physical level but also at the mental and emotional one.

The homeopathic interview process can be quite extensive and in dept in order to obtain as much as information as possible. It is not like psychotherapy but many feel a great sense of sympathy and understanding after seen a homeopathic practitioner which in itself is already part of the treatment because acknowledging who you are at every level of your being is the first step to any healing journey.

Homeopathic medicines are highly diluted and meant to stimulate the vital force to heal itself. This process is natural because it is not suppressive but curative. In homeopathic medicine symptoms are seen as the body’s attempt to heal itself and homeopathy’s role in healing is to stimulate and facilitate the natural body’s attempt to heal with little interference.

Homeopathic medicine are administered to each women to match her unique situation and are recommended in small doses as possible to be taken as frequently as necessary. This, in homeopathy, is called the principle of minimum dose.

The only law present in homeopathic medicine is called “The Law of Similars”. This law is based on the principle that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person when taken daily for a prolonged period of time, can be curative to a person who displays the very same symptoms when ill.

March 30, 2009 at 9:53 am Leave a comment

Holistic Life Style for Women

A holistic life style is essential in order to achieve and maintain good health, but it is especially important for women in order to maintain hormonal balance.

It is important to follow a wholesome diet and avoid foods that contribute to deteriorate our health and deprive our body from important nutrients. Holistic life style simply means eating wisely and in moderation foods that are high in nutrients and fiber and avoiding smoking, alcohol, hydrogenate and fried foods, too much coffee and carbonated and sugar loaded beverages. It also important to conduct a life that is not too stressful, get adequate sleep every night and drink mineral or purified water every day.

Following your life purpose is also part of living a holistic life style. Loving and enjoying what you do on a daily basis is part of maintaining good physical and mental health. As well as spending time in contact with nature, meditating, with family and friends. To me, it also means giving and receiving the gifs that we have. This is why I have decided to start this blog.  I love educating women about homeopathy and natural health. I welcome your kind comments and contributions.

March 29, 2009 at 4:22 pm 1 comment

Hello world!

Welcome Women Homeopathy Blog!

Here you will find information on Homeopathy and Natural Health for women of all ages.

March 29, 2009 at 2:09 pm Leave a comment